┌────────────────────────────┐ │ Release notes for i3 v4.13 │ └────────────────────────────┘ This is i3 v4.13. This version is considered stable. All users of i3 are strongly encouraged to upgrade. For users, there are two changes to be aware of: 1. The X server DPI is read from the Xft.dpi X resource (if available). Previously, i3 used to directly look at the X server’s DPI (based on screen resolution and physical size). Looking at Xft.dpi is more consistent with other software, more likely to be correct (because it’s user-specified and not read from possibly broken hardware information) and allows users to override the value. 2. It is now possible to set config file variables from X resources using the “set_from_resource” directive. This allows users to have a single source of truth for e.g. theming X11 applications (specify “*color0: #121212” and have it apply to URxvt and your i3 config). For packagers, there are three changes that likely require action: 1. cairo/pango are now required dependencies, as announced in the i3 v4.12 release notes. 2. The aforementioned “set_from_resource” feature requires the new dependency libxcb-util-xrm. 3. i3 now uses the GNU build system (autotools). Please see https://github.com/i3/i3/commit/4a52a7e9fb6fb2e1f0256b2e086cfa313f411cd8 for a lot more details about the rationale and what this means for your package. Bottomline, things should get simpler for you, though :). ┌────────────────────────────┐ │ Changes in i3 v4.13 │ └────────────────────────────┘ • build: wire up version handling for non-release tarballs (as opposed to git checkouts) • build: switch to the GNU build system • i3bar: disable pango markup for plain-text input • man/i3-msg: point out default ipc message type • config: introduce support for specifying variables from X resources • config: ensure variables match on longest-length, eliminating problems where one variable was a prefix of another • config: do not count '\' in comment lines as line continuation • ipc: introduce a new GET_BINDING_MODES command • ipc: implement new window::mark event • ipc: add “output” to IPC events referencing a container • make fullscreen windows open on the output which is indicated by their geometry (fixes LibreOffice Impress multi-monitor presentations) • focus newly managed windows only if they don’t use the globally active input mode (fixes issues with RubyMine) • remove title indentation in nested containers (rationale was unclear, nobody spoke up when we asked about the feature on i3-discuss) • use the last known timestamp when calling xcb_set_input_focus (might fix rare race conditions in focus handling) • introduce the “smart” option for hide_edge_borders, which will hide borders when there is precisely one window on the workspace • handle _MOTIF_WM_HINTS changes (_MOTIF_WM_HINTS were previously only considered when managing a new window) • don’t change border style if BS_NORMAL is requested in _MOTIF_WM_HINTS • only add numlock fallback for keybindings where necessary (allows users to correctly bind keys on the numpad) • do not match docks in config and command criteria • get DPI from the Xft.dpi resource instead of directly looking at the screen resolution/size • handle _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW for scratchpad windows (for pagers) • set _NET_WM_DESKTOP to sticky for scratchpad windows • add new criteria “tiling” and “floating” • implement special output name “current” for commands • handle ResizeRequests for tray clients (fixes VLC tray icon) ┌────────────────────────────┐ │ Bugfixes │ └────────────────────────────┘ • i3bar: fix crash when the I3SOCK environment variable is present • i3-dmenu-desktop: do not die on failed open • i3-input: properly position in non-standard cases (fixes an issue where i3-input would launch off-screen) • i3-save-tree: rename “mark” to “marks” to reflect our recent change to allow multiple marks • mouse bindings: only grab the mouse buttons that need to be grabbed • no_focus: correctly count the number of windows (makes no_focus work with tabbed/stacked workspace layouts). • properly close disabled outputs restored during a restart (this fixes state handling when RandR changes happen during i3 restarts) • don’t trigger bindings on window border clicks unless --border was specified for the binding • traverse numbered workspaces in correct order • fix transition from named to numbered workspaces in “workspace next|prev” • avoid setting urgency hint on content containers and above (fixes crashes) • don’t trigger unrelated key bindings for --release bindings • fix colormap handling for containers (fixes taking screenshots using xwd) • check output crossing on ENTER_NOTIFY to dockarea (fixes pointer jumping) • fix a use-after-free bug (fixes “floating enable” on single split windows) ┌────────────────────────────┐ │ Thanks! │ └────────────────────────────┘ Thanks for testing, bugfixes, discussions and everything I forgot go out to: Benedikt Heine, Cedric Buissart, Chih-Chyuan Hwang, Denton Liu, eplanet, Eric Engeström, EvilPudding, Ferdinand Bachmann, Hong, Ingo Bürk, Jakob Schnell, Jakub Wilk, johannes karoff, Johannes Lange, joshrosso, Julien Lequertier, Kacper Kowalik, Kenneth Lyons, Kyle Kneitinger, madroach, Michael Vetter, Nathan Schulte, Øsse, Peder Stray, Tony Crisci, Trevor Merrifield, wentasah, yshui, Zamarin Arthur -- Michael Stapelberg, 2016-11-08